Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
vinny, the music today cant compare with the great Italian vocalists, they don't even come close. and believe it or not their music will stand the test of time better than the beatles [ whom I never saw the big deal about] and elvis [ who who doesn't sell enough anymore fo stores to stock his cds] the Italians will stand the test of time. they still sell.!!!

How many stores sell cds in this day and age anyway?

It's all digital. And for the holdovers like us who still want the physical disc, there's always Amazon. I must buy fifty cds and dvds a year online. And that estimate is honestly on the low side.

Anyway, it's all how you interpret the term "record sales." Because it can be argued that Elvis is still the best selling artist in history.

Here's an interesting article backing that up: http://www.elvisinfonet.com/elvisvsbeatlespart1.html

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.