The Masseria crime family and the Morello/Terranova one were one and the same.

I personally do not feel that this is accurate, for the simple fact that the Morellos and Terranovas were a blood family and Joe the Boss was an outsider, a stranger. There is no reason in the world for them to kick up to one man unless he had other people behind him.

Remember that they were all black handers and into extortion and terrorism. Ignazio Lupo was among them. These people are not easy to break or force them to kick up to anyone. You'd have to be mighty strong to force Ignazio Lupo's people to kick up to you. The Morellos had the murder stables. Before they even met Joe the Boss, they might have disposed of 60 persons.

For Joe the Boss' organization to be one and the same with the Morello/Terranova combine, that means Peter Morello and Ignazio and all the rest of the Corleonesi terrorists were kicking up to one single man, who had no gang of his own.

That's impossible.

I'm sorry, but Critchley and Newark and the rest of them leave a lot of blank areas when writing history from their research, and then they quote baseless anecdote when it suits them (Umberto Valenti killed by Lucky Luciano supposedly). If all anecdote is false, then don't quote it, ever.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."