Originally Posted By: dominic_calabrese
Has anybody read the book by David Critchley, "The Origin of Organized Crime in America, New York City, 1891-1931" -- it is $47 on Amazon, but seems like it could be a very informative read on matters such as this -- wondering if I should part with my money?


Originally Posted By: Faithful1
It's a good book. The softcover is slightly updated so I'd recommend that one. The newest issue of Informer with the most current information is only $5.

The book is very informative and a very good read for anyone who´s interested in the early years. But Critchley does not go into "charts" and doesn´t name, for example, who Masseria´s captains were. And who can really blame him? We can only speculate who the captains were because no one has actually figured that out. I totally agree with faithful about the top three guys (Masseria, Morello and Pollaccia). Other captains that are sure bets would be Luciano, Ciro Terranova, Vito Genovese, Carfano and Capone. After that, it becomes uncertain. We really don´t know if Costello was a skipper under Masseria or when for example guys like Mike Miranda, Rocco Pellegrino and Willy Moretti etc were upped. Someone mentioned Gyp DeCarlo. But DeCarlo certainly wasn´t a skipper under Masseria because he wasn´t made yet. Neither was Boiardo.

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