Originally Posted By: funkster
Originally Posted By: FriendoftheFamily
Originally Posted By: HuronSocialAthletic
Schweihs clipped him, current Grand Ave Capo Albie Vena drove the vehicle.

If Albie Vena drove the vehicle and he should be clear from halfway house Nov 2nd. Why would you mention his name in something like that since there are no Statutes of Limitations on that. Just Curious and not looking for a fight.

Al Vena is not in a halfway house....Lou Marino is.

Sorry Bad info - I should've known better - wasn't verified

For What it's Worth my Opinion:

I think it is O.K. to talk about on BB's Dead People or things that happen that noone can get in trouble - even if it's just a mention which may lead to someone talking to someone that originally had a good cover story and now might not be able to have such a good cover story.

Notwithstanding the above, Current Business should be Face-to-Face with known Trusted Friends.