Originally Posted By: merlino
One thing about the crow is...the way the mob is today which is 180 degrees different than in his heyday, he could come out of hiding and not sure anyone would care now.

Yup, and that asshole Joe Pistone is still wearing those fucking sunglasses lol.

Originally Posted By: pmac
pb the rat joe defede once acting boss of the luchese died with little fanfare until ithink capeci put it out 2 or 3 months later. that was one of the weirdest flips you complete your 5 yrs sentence in 2000 in still think amuso wants you dead. sell your house in nyc and move to florida. but for a old guy that really knew amuso and his craziness might have pushed him into the feds arms.

No doubt about it, buddy. Sometimes they create their own rats. And Little Joe is a good example of that.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.