Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
There are exceptions, of course. But to this day the Westside will reprimand their guys for living over their heads and putting on a show with luxury cars and fancy clothes. But they dress down for a reason, to deflect attention from themselves. When guys in the other families dress like slobs, it's not a charade. They're just fucking slobs.

I remember when a reporter caught Dom Cirillo on the street back in 1997 after it came out he was the acting boss. He was wearing jeans and an old t-shirt.

Cirillo is a Westider, Ivy. So how is what you posted any different from what I posted?

You're right about people seeing too many movies, though. I think a lot of outsiders expect to see Jimmy Cagney flipping a gold coin in a double breasted suit lol.

But the truth is, as a whole, that years ago they seemed to care a little more about outward appearances. The Westside being the anomaly. But look at them, then look at everybody else.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.