As many have been saying here , they have evolved and figured out no murders means no headlines and no heat . Sure some beating and talk of violence by some scary dudes but not much more than that . If you stuff a guy , they just black ball you and you lose access to credit .

You got the blue collar with gambling , loans , extortion and maybe some titty bars and restaurants and the white collar in construction , real estate and garbage. Much more business like I suppose and in all honesty Wall Street crimes by the big investment banks and hedge funds are doing more to F the average guy than CN these days and without the murders , I even think most Americans believe this . RICO really needs to be used vs the big financial service companies , I work on Wall Street and its pretty scary what this industry is allowed to get away with over and over again, but with their presence in govt and lobbyist it's sad to say the game will likely be rigged forever unless some smart prosecutor starts using RICO more frequently vs these big firms like they did with CN in the 80s, that's really the only hope . I had hoped the CFPB would change things but they are just to entrenched in govt and political donations .

I read something very interesting recently in that if TARP and other credit crisis give ways to financial institutions was given directly to the people , every family would receive $58,000.

Anyway after my pointless rant I'm sure Associates are whacked here and there but they don't get the headlines.