Sorry to join this thread late. PB, bowling was actually on before Wide World of Sport. It was on from 3pm to 4:30 then WWofSports came on. We watched those two shows religiously. Dick Weber and Earl Anthony were unstoppable. There was a younger, good-looking guy who starting to take over the top spot; can't remember his name. But there were some lesser known guys like Gus Lampo lol great name. Then Mark Roth dominated for awhile. He had a powerful ball.

I bowled in leagues for awhile. Nothing high end; beer leagues. One year I had a 166 average, bowled a 626 series with a 260 game. That was the pinnacle of my career. I'd probably be in bed for a week if bowled three games today. We had fun; beer frames and if we were having a shitty night...shots of Wild Turkey.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12