Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
Originally Posted By: carmela

Dwalin, have you seen or read Malerba written by jailed Stidda boss Giuseppe Grassonelli, dealing with the wars between Stidda and Cosa Nostra in Porto Empedocle? It just won the literary award and there was controversy over it because Grassonelli has never repented or apologized for his murders. One of the judges on the committee even resigned over it, because he felt it was unfair for this book to be considered for an award.

I saw it's available in bookshops here in Milan. I gave it a look, haven't yet bought it, because it seems he doesn't call the people involved by their real names, probably to avoid being considered a "rat" (you can search through the book on books.google.it and for example the surnames Messina or Albanese are never mentioned even once in the whole book). Maybe I'll read it later, but it will be hard to understand who's who. He could have at least named the already dead ones with their real names.

Yes, that's exactly why names were changed. He will never repent and doesn't want to be seen as a rat. Interesting too, is that when he entered prison some 20 years ago, he was an illiterate and has since earned his doctorate.

Anyway, if you ever pick it up, I can tell you who's who, even with the changed names, my husband has the book.

Lupo It's only in italian.

La madre degli idioti e' sempre incinta.