Originally Posted By: MaryCas
My interest in professional sports has been waning. Among the reasons: The Thug-nature of teams, the excessive amount and time of commercials, the multiple replays of almost every play, the referee reviews, the "ground caused the fumble" (what caused the player to hit the ground?), the slow-motion analysis, and many more. The excitement of the game is lost. It has now become a scientific, hi-tech presentation of a game that should be played in real-time with real people. The hybrid techno-game has lost its appeal for me.
Marycas I agree with you completely. Having said that, my wife just informed me that she got that football ticket package on direct TV so that now we can watch every game !!! I used to be a raving lonatick over football and go to as many games as possible but like Marycas, my interest is waning. Wish they could eliminate the thugs and the braided hair which often covers the players name. And yes- the NFL gas gotten way too greedy