Originally Posted By: rockstar_man45
Originally Posted By: cookcounty

nine times outta ten, you ain't got a clue what's actually going on with blacks

if you're neighborhood is majority all white then technically u live in a ghetto


maybe young white guys think rape is okay from watching nfl role models

watching law enforcement and the league cover up two ben roethlisberger rapes

now the world hates the nfl but can't stop watching it....smh

I don't know who you are man, but I guarantee you don't know what's going at all in life ten times out of ten.

How many white ghettos do you know of? And it has nothing to do with race in my mind. The poor standing of blacks in this country is socio-economic. It's also a cultural problem.

But institutionalized racism? No way in hell. That's copping out and that's pointing the finger at someone else to avoid fixing your own problems

what would u call a trailer park?

or a raggedy run down town?