Binnie-yeah it is crazy to think what they got away with. The vacuum salesman and their murder for hire on the side is especially head scratching. Maybe we sometimes tend to forgot how thick those envelopes Paul and nino got probably were. Roy seemed to be into just about everything and was good at it.......and some things he was great at.

But if I'm Chris and have spent my entire life in Canarsie around people like Roy, Joey, Anthony, Henry ect, be in the drug business no less and not know better than to do ANY of that. There's nobody that dumb or balsy to think they'd get away with that. And then to actually not go on the run after you knew this was a problem. Did he really think the Gambinos were going to go to war with a Cuban cartel over him lol? A guy who can't be made and biggest connection to the family he has is a soldier with a reputation for running a reckless crew in which he's apart of no less lol.

Last edited by Sal_Bronte; 09/24/14 04:17 PM.