Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
sal bronte, you should really read the book "cocaine cowboys" its different than the movie. the book says he kicked back nothing to anyone. and the Columbians kicked back nothing either. the drug cartels are much more vicious than any mob fanily, remember when a member of roy demeos crew killed a couple of drug dealers, roy had to whack him or else they were going to send in shooters. nobody wanted a war with the drug cartels.

I wasn't questioning any if that. I know not even the mob wanted to step on those guys toes(I've read murder machine) what I find hard to believe is his uncle not getting some type of kick just to keep the Gambinos out of it. I haven't read the book so I have no basis for this assumption

Last edited by Sal_Bronte; 09/24/14 03:12 PM.