I don't disagree about the Bush administration and the CIA (which is loaded with scumbags no matter which party is in office). But it's funny that you fail to mention that Bubba had bin Laden in his sights and decided not to take him out, which allowed that cancer to metastasize.

PizzaBoy, Clinton was going to kill Osama bin Laden. But his National Security Advisor Sandy Berger overruled him....three times. What I mean by that is that Osama was located three times and Clinton actually ordered the hits, but Sandy Berger somehow vetoed it. One of the excuses was unacceptable civilian casualties. So maybe Osama bin Laden was being protected? Maybe it took a change of administrations to eliminate him, similar to Whitey Bulger's situation. Clinton was a President who had would be terrorists arrested right in the airport. He did that.

Sandy Berger by the way was the same guy who stole documents from the National Archives by hiding them in his socks when he was under investigation from the 911 Commission.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."