I'm very glad Scotland did not break away.

I understand there are some on this board who are from Scotland so I hope I'm not insulting when I say this.

In a time where we see Muslim extremists, an aggressive Russia, an unstable Middle East, and a horrible consuming virus it is more important than ever to stay unified.

The New York times had an article that basically went something like this: in the early 20th century the main conflict was aggressive nationalistic fascism versus the nations they deemed rivals or racially inferior. Then it was communism vs capitalism in the Cold War. Now we live in a world where it is order vs disorder. Groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda represent a world of disorder, brutality and chaos. It is up to the rest of the word, and especially the Western Powers to hold the line and democratic humanistic principles in the face of that disorder.

That's why I'm glad Scotland stuck to the UK. Great Britain is stronger because of it.