Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: NickyEyes1
Imagine if this was the other way around race-wise? I could only imagine.

Where's the media here? Where's Al Sharpton? Where's Jesse Jackson?

Disgusting and ridiculous. Fucking sick of the media only showing white on black crimes when shit like this goes on every single day.

Nick, I think that the media's focus on white on black crime is because of the Nation's history of prejudice and racially based offenses by white people against black people. I also think that, more than not, when there is an incident of white on black crime that the motive is racial. I don't think that that is true about black on white crime. When a man is accused of hitting a woman, rarely does anyone assume nor is it expressed that the accused is a misogynist. Rather, the accused is described in pejorative terms that don't include his possible hatred of females. While he maybe a misogynist, such a word does not find its way into the media report. The same is true of black on white crime; black prejudice against whites simply does not find its way into the media's reporting because it would be quite a challenge to discover it.

Are you out of your mind or just have your head in the sand?

I was robbed at gun point by two black men, had my wallet stolen, and my friend was punched in the face and called a 'white bitch'

It's just as everyone has been saying, a black person committing a crime is nothing new. I'm sorry but that's the sad state of affairs. But what bothers me is that the majority of African Americans are doing nothing to salvage their situations, rather they blame someone else, and go on with their ghetto hood lifestyles.

Why is it wrong to be successful? What's wrong with marrying a woman, treating her right and sticking around for your kids? Seven out of ten black children are born out of wedlock. There aren't any good role models in urban black communities anymore and even if there are, they aren't listened to.

That's my beef with this whole situation