all right so the guy capelli was paying in 2003 or was it 2004 prisco 15k a yr to operate the feasts lighting. out of the 15k prisco who was capo, how much you think he keeps 10k and gives the bosses 5k or half like 7500$. yes that was 10 yrs ago but the informant who was the bastard son of another westside capo john di... guy killed in the 80tys. this guy has prisco on a lot of tapes. prisco and concinplates why Daniel leo who is acting boss is calling him in, he thinks its a raise or it could be his death. its a great read over he says he would surport barney as boss, leo was greedy or some shit. also gives lot of praise for vinnny gorgeus and mike nose. lot of bad spelling in there concinplate.