[quote=DB]Yes that what I meant w Carlo but I still not sure how much they let him in
He got busted with a Mickey Mouse weed operation ( 2 lbs I think ) at a damn traffic stop and his right hand was basically trying to sell small quantities to people the night before . "

He got popped with 60 pounds. It was'nt some routine traffic stop, the state police were investigating him based on someone else getting caught and talking. The state police had a tip he was coming back from xyz with weed.
Why a supposed " made guy" with such a recognizable name in nj would be driving with a pack of firecrackers in his car, never mind 60 pounds of weed, is mind boggling. Just plain amateurish.
He doesnt have an underling that could drive the shit for gods sakes ????

Last edited by Belmont; 09/20/14 06:47 AM.