Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
Originally Posted By: Red_63
It's fucking done with your better off to be legit having a record and being a tough guy in this day in age doesn't benefit you at all compared to back in the good ole days when us old-heads were out there hustling ,,,,Go Out and Hustle 1.....2...3.
yeah, jesus, look at the rats today, when I was growing up in the fifties you didn't have rats, if you would have told me then that a mob boss {massino]would turn snitch, I would have thought you were crazy. im 72 years old I never thought I would see so many rats.

I hate how these guys get a break and all these perks for cooperating compared to someone who wan't a career criminal fucked up once and so then their life is ruined unless they can get it expunged or a governor's pardon.

Yeah Your Gangster Alright!!
Keep making excuses on why our country is in bad shape just admit your a hump already