There Joe Jon Ralph and I think 1 more

Jon and Joe are def made and will be running north jeez at some point I'm sure as Tacetta kid , while made , got no chance . Wouldn't be shocked if he is shelved when his elders are gone and he will be stuck with small scores like his recent weed deal which was so amateur , I mean HS stuff , buying a few lbs without the buyers lined up , just selling it by word of mouth which is guaranteed to end up in a bust from some random informant .

I don't think Ralph is made but I could be wrong , I really don't know

When Jon was first made he had that " do I know u bro " tude when people would say what's up , people he vaguely knew, I know big timing people . I think he watched to many movies on how a gangster should act but now I think he got his shit together, sometimes it takes a pinch or 2 for people to realize how real this is , plus he was young and was made young , he a kid that will keep that family strong , he got a legit degree so should have some good ideas on where to invest the $ and is strong , a leader

Now I don't know Barney at all but it just seems like this guy gets it and has from a young age , this was not about being cool and showing off or this or that , this was serious and a deadly biz and he played it as such , again if I passed him I wouldn't know him but he is real CN and really this seems to be the case with all Westside guys . I'm probably wrong but from things I hear , while they lost a lot of biz in fish market, some unions etc , they have greatly expanded their book n shy business with the severe weakening of the other families . I really think these guys still wield a tremendous amount of power and wealth and learned how to blend illegitimate biz w legit biz .

The mob of the the past and all it's violence is done and done forever but associates that act dumb n don't draw the media attention will still be hit and I still don't think many associates are willing to run on the bad side of the Westside .
Again all just my opinion