LOL a Mayor de Blasio being a proud Italian. The guy was raised in Massachusetts without any cultural identity at all. His real name is Warren Wilhelm. Mark my words, this asshole is going to be remembered as the worst mayor since Dinkins, which is really saying something. But he's married to a Black woman who "used to be" a lesbian. I guess it didn't take, like George Costanza's girlfriend.

Anyway, when you roll that many victim groups into a candidacy in New York City, it gives you a leg us. Plus, he pimped out his biracial kids for all they were worth in those commercials. I'd say he should be ashamed of himself, if I wasn't cognizant of the fact that politicians are incapable of shame.

Sorry for getting sidetracked. Back on topic. The Feast. There are still some ties to OC there, but they're peripheral at best. And nowhere near what they were when the downtown crew was still visible in the Village and Little Italy.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.