Originally Posted By: cookcounty
Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: BlackFamily
No, I'm going to deny what your saying is true just a few of your comments are distasteful. I'm speaking from a historic view going back to the Reconstruction era and moving to the present year. The amount of cases of W-O-B ( white on black) would certainly be mountains higher than B-O-W cases wouldn't you agree? And if your only looking at recent reports from the past 5 years or less than indeed your still speaking the truth. But wouldn't that be nick picking to have a solid claim? Both cases pale in comparison to the victimization within both communities; Whites are victims by other whites around 5x higher than blacks and the same or more goes for Blacks. Are these cross ethnic crimes done for hatred, greed, opportunity, etc ? Yes, all of the above. If everybody knows this fact than why are we repeating a cycle of useless banter? There's too much divide emphasized and not enough harmony displayed media wise.
It's common to me because (not to be cliche) we are Americans regardless of our tribes (ethnicity/race) roots.

What the hell does "going back to the Reconstruction era" have to do with the totally disproportionate level of black-on-white crime in today's society (and much more than the "past 5 years)? See, that's the problem. Many black people, in both mindset and in everyday life, can't (or won't) move on. Instead of simply acknowledging the problem, as well as admitting that it's been a problem for much longer than 5 years, you, other blacks, and many white liberals feel the need to cloud the issue and justify the present by going back 50 years or longer. It's like the idiots who try to explain away Islamic extremism in today's world by bringing up Christians and the Crusades hundreds of years ago.

all jokes aside.....have u ever even seen over 100 different blacks people in person?

there are some heinous white on white crimes against children going on in the pacific nw

u should be more concerned with that

I have I marched in the million man march up in Harlem. There was difinately more then a hundred different black men in that one. But nothing close to the million that they said was there. Probably only about 25 thousand that is a testimate to them why? Because they could not take off from work to do it. They need to work to help support their families. The organizers did not do it for free I am sure of that.

I was there to collect money that some of them oued us.

only the unloved hate