The visa lottery is only 50,000 for the entire planet and any country who had more than 50,000 immigrants to the US the prior year is ineligible. So if there is a diaspora they wont be coming by lottery. Italians are coming to the United States to find work, but they make up a small percentage. And Furio, many Italians that are here overstayed their time and get their greencards later, if at all. many of the younger ones come and work and don't care because they are not an enforcement priority. It is easy for a western European to come to the United States because most of those countries are not subject to visas. As far as that goes to where the mob will be in 20 years, who knows. One thing is for sure: The United States is the most prosperous country in the world and more money is made here than anywhere else. If there is money to be made organized crime will ALWAYS exist. And I'm sure, if there is money to be made, our Cugines from the other side will come to replenish the ranks. They are already doing it in elsewhere.