Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles
Originally Posted By: Alfanosgirl
Lol - PB you sound just like my Pops when I would ask him questions answering my question with another question
Bronx same thing, everything is a mystery
Beanshooter, his hands were chopped off for a reason.

HK was there a message behind his hit?

The body was badly decomposed when found. I know nothing about decomposed bodies but one would think that in this case, the decomposition may be the reason why the hands were missing. I don´t know. Was the dead body definitely identified as being the body of Sonny Black?

I want to add that Frank Lino, who testified about Sonny Black´s murder in court, never mentioned his hands being chopped off. Neither did Frank Coppa (if memory serves) who also was on the murder scene. This is kinda strange since if his hands were chopped off that would have made a big splash, at least with the media. OR, they did mention it, but was never reported by the media and therefore not (to us) available in any of the partial transcripts that can be found in books etc.

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