Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: ItalianIrishMix
My my have things changed!!!!.....I thought this was the secret society? Every mobster has a wiki page, we know where the eat, where they work and now where they actually live..........Would asking where their children go to school be acceptable? J/K

I actually got angry at the beginning of this thread because I thought it crossed a line of "good taste." But that anger was misplaced. Because this is the world we live in now. Everything is out there for everyone else to see. And the younger guys here grew up with the Internet and the Patriot Act and everything being a matter of public record, so it's not their fault.

Don't get me wrong, I still think most of you guys would get pissed off if people were ogling pictures of your homes. But wiseguys are in the public eye because they put themselves in the public eye. I'm mad at the way the world has changed in regards to privacy issues. I'm not mad at anyone in particular.

Come on, you love it PB smile.