Originally Posted By: thebigfella
Accardo was never fully retired, he always had the last say over giant as well as to advise him, giant was just in charge of day to day

This is just complete nonsense through & through.

So...Accardo told Mooney to shack up with Phyllis McGuire, Barbara Daly, Marilyn fucking Monroe, and lord knows who else? He told Mooney to make Sinatra his personal court jester? He told him to buddy up with the Kennedies?

The answer to all of the above is NO. They didn't like what Mooney was doing in Vegas/Hollywood. Believe that. If they had the power to knock him down, they would have, but they didn't until long after his heyday. He was able to do whatever the fuck he pleased because he was the boss. Otherwise he would've been knocked down, plain & simple.

Mooney was the most beloved figure in the history of Chicago's Outfit. Accardo was more of a Gambino/Castellano type, stopped living the life & associating with street soldiers after he did his dirt.

Mooney never let up & lived bigger than any Cosa Nostra figure in American history.