Originally Posted By: Christy_Tic
roemer had a man crush on accardo. But the guy served his family for 8 decades 20-90 and had 7 burglars slaughtered for attempting to rob his house. And the man was 73 years old when that happened. So although roemer can be taken with a grain of salt, ACCARDO was the real deal.\

I don't think it's really fair to say that Roemer had a crush on Accardo. There was a small group of Outfit mobsters who were disrespectful to FBI agents, like Giancana, DeStefano and Spilotro. There was another group that showed them respect, and that group included Ricca, Accardo, English, Nicoletti, etc. Naturally they are going to form a more favorable opinion of the mobsters who were friendly and respectful in how they spoke with them. This wasn't just Roemer's opinion, but the other agents who worked in Chicago like Ralph Hill and Vincent Inserra. They considered Ricca, Accardo, etc more reasonable, easier to deal with. It didn't mean the FBI wouldn't go after the friendlier group, but it did mean they'd really go after the group that acted like street thugs.

The other thing about Accardo was that he was the only person who could rein in Giancana or anyone else. No one else had the power and authority to do that but Ricca, but Ricca tended to be either less available or he was in prison or avoiding deportation for part of the period Roemer was out there.