Originally Posted By: PP
Originally Posted By: Tyler_Durden
Something I don't understand is, why was Provenzano arrested if he was in possession of the mythical black dossier. And didn't Riina also have it? I mean I guess I can understand Riina being arrested but Provenzano quieted things down and they still got to him a decade later.

What's to stop them from arresting MMD despite him having the black dossier if Riina and Provenzano were arrested before him? Isn't the importance of this dossier being overstated?

I agree. Why would Riina or Provenzano give up the black dossier? If MMD has it, and people think he won't be caught because he has it, why would the others have given it up?

I am not really sure. Or maybe I know but can't think off hand. My mind is amusciata right now.

La madre degli idioti e' sempre incinta.