Here's how I think it goes down. The Gervasi crew gets absorbed by Albert Barese, who's still acting capo for Larry Barese. The Aprile crew gets absorbed by the Gualtieri crew. Little Paulie will be acting Capo with soldiers like Benny Fazio & Walden Belfiore. The Parisi crew, Bacclieri crew & Curto crew will be combined together to form the third crew. The skipper spot will be reserved to a soldier within that crew. Pasty Parisi is bumped up a notch to Acting Underboss & Hesh returns as advisor to Paulie, who becomes boss. Patsy & Paulie are great friends, so that administration could work. If Silvio survives, he'd remain as Consigliere with Hesh on the side.

"No new members until old members die." - Dr Cusamano.

The DiMeo/Soprano crime family will open the books eventually. People like bodyguard Dante Greco, Murmur Zancone (depending on how desperate the family is). And some other associates will get inducted due to their loyalty and commitment when the time called for it.