Originally Posted By: Revis_Island
Donte stallworth killed someone via vehicular manslaughter btw. Which idk would you guys consider that worse or just as bad as what rice did?

Worse by far, hitting a woman is pretty much as far as a man can sink; but causing a death is always going to be worse. Recently i watched a documentary called There's Something Wrong With Aunt Diane, which really drove (no pun intended) the dangers of drunk driving home for me. I'm sure that most here are aware of this since it seems like there's alot of members from NY/NJ, but here's the wiki page of the incident. frown


Here's the doc if anyones interested, but you'll end up infuiated at the husbands denial. While i completely understand denial in this case, the dad says more than once that he didn't want his son who was the only survivor of this horrific car crash, and he's now suing his wifes (who caused the crash) brother who lost 3 children because he was the owner of the vehicle mad.

Last edited by Camarel; 09/10/14 05:59 AM.