Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: cheech
man i hope we dont get into this again, same ol same ol

Mama, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lol lol.

its just so tired. same convo everytime...next it will be will it affect the wiseguys and the answer is who knows and who cares. time will tell

theres points on both sides and if you say it wont affect the neighborhood book than you are a fanboy, if you say it will affect the neighborhood guy than you will get posters saying you dont know any neighborhood guys so STFU.

either way its old and tired.

i do KNOW this. if I want to bet on sports right now I can and I am assuming most people can to. from my ipad on my couch, not some loud obnoxious casino.

last post on this, promise blush

When Interpol?