Originally Posted By: Beanshooter
Originally Posted By: merlino
I dont think the HC saw the video but definitely the Atlantic County state attorney had to seen the video because the state oversees the casinos. And the NFL has ex-cops and ex-FBI agents that run their security teams so they knew or saw of the video and goodell the buc stops there....goodell needs to go

I so agree with you Merlino.These ex law enforcement officials who run their security teams had to have seen the video and reported it to the NFL and Ravens. They contacted the Casino and the Atlantic County state attorney and "unofficially" seen its content. I think a lot of people surrounding this (The commissioner, coaches) might have said, I don't want to see the video, just tell me, do you see Ray smack her on video? and then kept quiet hoping the whole video was never released.

What I think happened was that Goodell and the Ravens were assured that the video of the assault would never come out. They gambled on that and now look terrible as a result. In today's media age of instant information, Goodell and the Ravens were plain dumb if they really believed that the video would never surface. And supposing they knew it would surface, then they were negligent for not demanding to see the video.

Either way, Goodell is unfit to hold the title of NFL Commissioner.