Originally Posted By: Camarel
Originally Posted By: Revis_Island
Good point. Who was the fiercest street fighter the mafia has ever seen in your guys diagnosis? I was thinking it would be gigante or cohen maybe because they both fought professionally before I think.

For a good while i've just been reading the comments in the OC section, and i apologize for returning with a negative comment. Seriously though the part of your comment i bolded made me cringe beyond belief uhwhat . Can you at the very least try to pretend this is not a fantasy forum for you?

Sorry for being a complete dick i've had a few good conversations with you on this site, and... well i don't even know.

People were talking about who's tough so I threw the question out there to see if anyone had any input on who they feel is the toughest. What's wrong with that? I for one never dreamed of being in the mafia. I didn't grow up around it. I made my money clean and I made more money than a lot of present day american mafioso did. But if you're telling me that there aren't people who joined this forum to fantasize about being in the mafia then I'm sorry I'm going to have to disagree. Not everybody now, but I'm sure there is a handful of people in this forum who generally do wish that they were a part of the mafia sometime within their lives. So don't point the finger at me saying that I'm fantasizing about this stuff. Am I interested? Absolutely. I'm more interested in the financial aspect of the mafia more so than anything, how they make and hide their money. But do I ever fantasize about being a criminal? Not at all. Have I ever wondered which family is stronger and more influential than the other? Of course. Have I ever legitimately fantasized about them going to war and killing each other? No I can't say that I have. I tend to forget sometimes that these guys are criminals every once in a while after I find myself watching the sopranos but as much as I possibly can I try to remember that these guys are scum and have no excuses as to why they did what they did.

Last edited by Revis_Island; 09/07/14 08:12 PM.