I started my own 9/11 conspiracy thread before I knew about this one so I will try not to post in that one and will try to post in this one. Personally I think it's ridiculous. People have the right to feel how they feel but some people say the pentagon wasn't even hit by a plane. They found the black box and there's pictures of debris from the plane outside of the pentagon. Did people really expect the plane to make a cartoon like imprint on a concrete reinforced building? The wings weren't going to go cleanly straight through it like a chain saw would go through wood. I do believe that some conspiracy theorists on this topic make somewhat good cases and are rational, but even they do not look at the facts pointing to 9/11 not being an inside job. I watched the "9/11 in plane site" and I also read online that many of the so called facts were twisted and turned in there. A quote was damn near cut in half to make it seem like the guy said that a guided missile hit the pentagon when in fact if you look at the whole quote online as opposed to the documentary he was saying that it was coming in fast like a guided missile. Not actually saying it was actually a guided missile. All the conspiracy theorists lose their credibility after something like that imo. I'm not completely opposed to conspiracies in any way shape or form. If it's believable then I'll definitely look into it like the JFK assassination for one. Many conspiracy theories are extremely believable and plausible. That's why I do believe the JFK assassination was a conspiracy.