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Tragic brothers were stabbed to death
The man who killed his two brothers before taking his own life this week was out on bail for an offence involving a knife.

21 year-old Jonathan O'Driscoll appeared in court two days before he stabbed his twin brothers to death and then taking his own life.

O'Driscoll appeared in court on Tuesday charged with possessing a knife and failing to provide gardai with a breath specimen.

He was bailed to re-appear before the court having been arrested in Mallow, Co. Cork in February.

On Thursday evening he stabbed nine year-old twins Patrick and Thomas O'Driscoll to death at their home in Charleville. His body was later found fifteen kilometres away.

O'Driscoll had no criminal convictions and is said to have doted on the twins. Gardai do not know why he killed his brothers and his devastated family have said they forgive him for his actions.