Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Popular Science magazine went over the 9/11 conspiracy claims point-by-point in a long article followed up by a book. Here's a link to the article: http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military/news/1227842

Personally, this government has done a lot of things it shouldn't have done, but claiming that Clinton and Bush administration officials murdered over 3000 people in New York and Pennsylvania is over the top, insulting and appalling. Not only that, Osama bin Laden took credit for it.

They had another "9/11 Truther" on the radio show Coast to Coast the other night. It's almost like these people are so bored with what actually happened they have to concoct some over the top conspiracy to fully satisfy themselves. Never mind the fact that, to pull off such a conspiracy where the U.S. government was involved, would be virtually impossible to keep secret. Anyone who believes the the government was behind the attack, for whatever reason, are probably the same kooks who believe we didn't land on the moon.

Last edited by IvyLeague; 09/05/14 10:12 PM.

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