Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: mightyhealthy
Forget downtown NYC and Italian, unless you count kids who grew up in the suburbs and moved here that have Italian last names. But those kind of people don't consider them Italian in the sense you're thinking. And they definitely don't think they are trying to make it an italin demographic. They're just American kids.

Exactly. I remember when Sofia Coppola bought a high end condo off Spring Street. She went on and on in one of the real estate magazines about "keeping the culture alive" and all the usual Hollywood crap. Like she didn't grow up Hollywood fucking royalty in California. It didn't even occur to her that people like her were the ones driving Italian Americans out of the neighborhood who lived there for fifty years.

Oh, and she's sold it since then. At a tremendous profit.

What a joke... You're exactly right. She's the problem (as am I) not the solution... wink