Originally Posted By: TonyBoy117
I can't argue with any of that pal

I know that, kid. It just makes me laugh sometimes that the Italians who moved to the suburbs---and who can blame them?---seem to be the first people to lament the fact that the neighborhoods are gone. If it bothers them that much, then they should have stayed.

And you know I don't mean you or your family, or any of our friends here. You and I have discussed this ad nauseam in pms over the years. But if I didn't have so much business in Queens and the Bronx, we'd be long gone too.

I mean, who in their right mind would want to raise their kids in a five story cold-water walk up when they can afford to live in a nice suburban setting in Northern Westchester or Eastern Long Island or North Jersey?

Exactly no one, except for a few thickheaded holdouts like myself. And if I can accept the fact that the Bronx isn't remotely Italian anymore---and I still live here---it shouldn't be so difficult for the former residents to let go smile.

The smiley is for Carmela. She knows grin.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.