Kerry won in L.A.??? WTF!?

Orange County voted Bush by a HUGE margin... that's a shocker, too. :rolleyes:

Haha!! TIS, Riverside voted Bush by a lot, too... should we switch counties?

Actually, I really am surprised, because of how many voters there actually were in L.A. Bush got just under a million, and Kerry got a little over a million... no other county had that many, even with all the voters combined!! I thought the reason our population seemed so high was becase of all the illegal aliens or even legal new immigrants. But these are all people who could vote, so they're legit citizens!! Wow.

BTW, not one person in all of California voted for Nader!! Even in NY, every county had some voters for him... most of them over 300, some over 2,000! My confindence in my coast grows by the minute, I swear. :p

Oh, and why is it that the further east you go, the more counties an individual state has? Even the tiny states have like 5 million counties! I'm sure there's an explanation; I'd be much obliged if someone would give it.