As a matter of fact, if 911 was some kind of inside job, it might indeed have been a decade in the making at a minimum. Recall the World Trade Center attacks of 1993 and the controversy surrounding it. The NY Times has an article about it detailing how an informant named Emad Salem attempted to warn the FBI about an impending bomb plot, but ended up being ignored. That's not conspiracy. That's fact. It's even on tape.

Could it have been a false pretext for war in the Middle East? It could have been. There is plenty of incentive for the West to be concerned about the Middle East, Iran, and the proliferation of WMD. This however doesn't mean that real Muslim extremist hijackers were not at work that day. But there are too many coincidences to be dismissed, including the following:

1) All three buildings had pools of molten metal underneath. This is highly unnatural for building fires. Reference the US government's FEMA report Appendix C to look at pictures of evaporated structural steel. The FEMA report specifically states that the evaporated metal sample was from WTC7 and *either* WTC1 or WTC2. So WTC7 definitely had molten metal and evaporated steel beams, like the FDNY members reported. There is no reason for the three buildings (WTC1 WTC2 and WTC7) to have pools of molten steel underneath, especially WTC7. Building fires are not hot enough to turn steel into lava.

2) Anyone can see tons of molten metal that is almost white hot pouring out of the South Tower from where the plane hit around the 85th floor on YouTube. The problem with that is that aluminum as from a plane would not wait until it is white hot to begin to flow. It becomes liquid while still a dark grey color. Therefore 911 skeptics suspect that the motel metal is elemental iron from the tower itself. Highly abnormal for a fire that burned off all jet fuel within the first 10 minutes.

3) The morning of the attacks, there was a simulated wargame going on that Norad was participating in possibly called Vigilant Guardian Vigilant Warrior. The wargame simulation involved planes hitting the twin towers. It also diverted real jets away from New York City. When the attacks occurred, officials were confused about whether it was real or not. There are audio tapes to prove this.

4) The exact floors where the planes hit both the towers were areas of construction work of some kind some short months before.

5) The company that removed the steel from the crime scene in lower Manhattan before it could truly be analyzed by an unbiased source was a company called Controlled Demolition that specializes in bringing down buildings using explosives.

6) The buildings fell down the wrong way (they vaporized downward like Roman candles) which scientists say is impossible because if the top of the building is turning to dust, it then isn't solid enough to destroy the lower part of the building as it falls down.

7) The fires at ground zero burned far too long. An equivalent of a lake was pumped into ground zero along with chemical fire retardant, and still the temperatures raged underneath the pile like an active volcano for months. Thermite burns under water and is used in controlled demolition. The by-product of thermite combustion of steel is Aluminum Oxide gas. Aluminum Oxide gas is white. White gas leaked out of the pile for weeks. The workers at ground zero came down with many ailments one of which was pulmonary sarcoidosis of the lungs. What is one of the symptoms of inhaling Aluminum Oxide gas? Pulmonary sarcoidosis of the lungs.

8) I can go on, but suffice it to say, the 911 skeptic group have text books of information on why they doubt the official story.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."