Originally Posted By: Beanshooter
I loved Aunt Esther and Fred exchanges.

Fred and Aunt Esther had excellent chemistry together

Here's some funny quotes:

Aunt Esther: "Woodrow and I are going to have a baby."

Fred Sanford: "Well somebody better call the zoo."

Aunt Esther: "My body was blessed by Mother Nature, honey."

Fred Sanford: "And as you got older, it was cursed by Father Time."

Fred Sanford: Esther what are you doing here?

Aunt Esther: "What do you mean what am I doing here?"

Fred Sanford: "Well Wolfwoman don't come out till there's a full moon."

Aunt Esther: "What's wrong with my posture?"

Fred Sanford: "It's full of prune pits!"

Aunt Esther: "Get the marriage license Fred because seeing is believing."

Fred: "No it ain't"

Aunt Esther: "Why you say that?"

Fred: "Because I have been seeing you for years and I still don't believe it"

Last edited by njcapo35; 08/31/14 06:16 PM.

"Jersey...It's where my story begins."