Mike Franzese was adopted by sonny but he always and still believes that he is his blood son. Kinda like the scarpa schiro arrangment. He does look like him. Franzese never ratted on cosa nostra and obviously isnt scared of retribution. IMHO Gerardo Catena is by far the most successful american gangster of all time. the guy was worth a hundred million, set generations of his family up for life. Spent only a few years in jail for failing to testify in front of the nj commision on organized crime. He retired in 1975 and lived to be 98, playing golf in boca raton for the last 25 years of his life. Also, Caponigro was a monster earner and if he wasnt a power hungry psycopath could have retired, supposedly was worth well over 20 million and threw it all away to be a godfather of a half ass outfit like philly. Catena is the model for what a gangster should have been. Take your illegal earnings parlay them into legal ventures, insulate yourself and live out your glory years in the lap of luxury