Originally Posted By: Serpiente
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: TonyG
Linda Shiro Scarpa lied through her teeth. Her testimony in court was proven to be a fabrication based upon tape recordings she made with Capeci when a book deal was being considered. In my opinion, she should have been charged with perjury.

I don't know whether DeVecchio was dirty or not, but I agree with this a million percent. She came across as cheap and opportunistic, and I agree that she should have been charged with a crime.

I did not know she had anything to do with if he was lying or not.I was going by the article that was in a magazine.

The guys he worked with at the FBI were saying that he was guilty of this stuff. The guys name was like Farvo or something like that.
He was saying that they all knew that he was doing all kinds of things.

I would not believe Scarpa sr. woman she was sleeping with Linn
according to his coworkers.And of course they are also FBI so who knows .

But there is something wrong. And i am guessing it is about to come out.

Christopher Favo is the zealous, insubordinate agent I was referring to, who initiated the charges against Devecchio. I think I know the article you read, which quotes Favo. I believe Favo got reprimanded for commenting on the situation while it was still being investigated (internally by the FBI) and was later transferred to a small office (South Bend, IN).

Best way to catch the smart ones? Get an idiot working for them.