Originally Posted By: domwoods74
Ok,this is what i heard..Joe Pung will not recognize anybody thats there now so basically he does his own thing with his own little crew..some young guys,Nicky whip,Tore and few others..they are with Pung..Uncle Joe still has a lot of say and respect..
George Borgesi as Boss was very laughable to my friend..He has been laying low since getting out..there are a few guys around him that kiss his ass as it always is but I even heard he is no longer a Capo..soldier!!!
Phil Narducci is at war with his own family..nephew and sister..he despises his nephew they fucked him in the night club and the family biz with his sister..the nephew is reporting to Johnny Chang..
Nicodemo is holding strong as of now and all is quiet with him..he told people he is ready for trial and he is going to beat it..
Back to the Narducci's...The nephew used Phil's name to get out of jams while Philip was away and even sent guys to visit him in jail..one of the guys he sent was Dew..Johnny chang and Phil Narducci hate each other..Why?because Johnny chang sat down for the kid and Phil said he should of minded his own biz..So you have a lot of very unstable situations brewing over there..but the bottom line is the power is with the guys that have been here the past 10-15 years and the older scarfo guys they feel dont deserve shit and are entitled to nothing..the older scarfo guys that did there time are having a hard time grasping how things have changed and some even wish it was run the way Nicky ran things again..you have some loose cannons in philly with only a few guys level headed..those guys are calling the shots...

You said Narducci was beefing with Punge in previous post, did you mean Chang because that makes no sense.