There's a section on collusion in Ken Burns' 1994 Baseball documentary. This from Marvin Miller, former head of the MLBPA:

"...tantamount to fixing, not just games, but entire pennant races, including all post-season series."

Former commissioner Peter Ueberroth initiated the collusion shortly after his election, claiming that spending millions to win a World Series was "damned dumb" and that it was "not smart" to sign players to long-term contracts.

From what I understand, Bud Selig and Jerry Reinsdorf were the two collusion ringleaders from the owners side. If that's the case, Selig does not deserve to be in the Hall of Fame.

Damages from the three rounds of collusion grievances totaled $280 million. Former commissioner Fay Vincent has stated that the addition of the Rockies, Marlins, Rays and Diamondbacks was a direct result of this, as the owners needed to raise revenue to pay that settlement.