Originally Posted By: Dellacroce
Originally Posted By: Bayjellgosh
I was wondering what influence the LCN had in CT? I don't know much about the mafia besides what I read in the media and through independent news sites such as is one. I know from reading that the Gambinos had a presence here (I live in the Hartford area) it what about the other families? Thanks I'm advance for the information and I apologize about my lack of current LCN knowledge.

Most of what the Gambinos are into up there has to do with gambling, whether its card games, sports betting or shaking down independent bookies, and also loansharking goes hand in hand with gambling. i assume your familiar wight the most recent Depreta bust? if not-


John Liquori who was arrested in that bust just had his son die a few weeks ago. Hit by a car while jogging. Only 20 or something close to that. They let john go to the hospital but not the services pieces of snit cocksuckers that they are.

When Interpol?