Ha! Carlo bilked Casso out of his split of the profits for the book he wrote.

If Casso hadn't cooperated with him for the book, he would have got the Pitera treatment.

"Anthony was a tiny man. He was ugly. He had bad dress sense. He was a timid man; shy. He let his boss Vic Amuso walk all over him. "Please don't hit me", Casso would plead when he upset his master. Casso was like a subservient dog. Casso was spineless, fearful, gutless, yellow. He did not know the rhyme and rhythm of the streets. When we were neighbors, I used to beat Anthony up and make fun of his voice. He sounded like Minnie Mouse; squeaky, shrill, irksome....."

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.