Kelsey Grammer's teenage sister was savaged and murdered by a gang of black people with no regard for human life.

One of the murderers, Freddie Glenn, appeals his sentence every several years speaking of his remorse and how he has changed.

Freddie Glenn's way of showing his remorse is to not accept what he did, not accept his prison sentence, appeal every 3 years and make a grieving human being go through the emotional torment of going through myriad appeals processes.

Kelsey Grammer forgave Freddie Glenn for what he did, but understandably wants him to remain behind bars for the rest of his life. Grammer and his family are serving a life sentence because his sister was taken from them. Why does Glenn think he should taste freedom?

This brings me to my overall point. Why can't black people forgive? Why the unceasing negativity and unwillingness to move on and move forward? We will never move forward as one as long as people like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and to an extent, Barack Obama, keep sharpening the divide and using their influence to foster a poisonous atmosphere of dissent amongst lower income African Americans.

Oh. Freddie Glenn and his cohorts also murdered several other people during their campaign of terror.

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.