Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: merlino
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
I implore everyone, both Black and White, to watch this video (special thanks to Five Felonies for sharing it).

It's 25 minutes long, and if you're sensitive to curse words or racially insensitive language, then you should probably give it a pass. But I think it's hits the nail on the head about what street smart and self-sufficient Black people think of White liberals.


need this on cnn and msnbc right now

I agree. It's the best synopsis of the problem with race in this country that I've ever seen.

Thanks again to Five Felonies for sharing it with me.

Problem is the only people who will watch this and LISTEN to what is being said and then share this with others are people with open minds and not steadfast on a given side of political or social issues around the US