Originally Posted By: cookcounty

what does any of the shit you're typing have anything to do with this "one" case

you have issues with black people that you're scared to discuss in real life

go find somebody black and start your tirade right in their face

the cop riddled this kid with bullets in broad daylight.....thee end

1. Kid committed robbery.
2. Kid committed common assault.
3. Kid did not comply with officer's demands.
4. Kid is 6 ft. 4 and built like a tank. Officer is of slight build.
5. Witnesses say kid was struggling with officer for hold of gun.
6. Autopsy shows that kid was in a frontal, confrontational position when shot by officer.
7. This isn't the f***ing movies where one shot is all that is used. This is fight or flight. If someone is in a struggle for their life, they will shoot using deadly force. It's survival instinct; same as someone who is drowning dunking the head of someone who is trying to save him.
8. Kid was a gangbanger.
9. Kid's demeanor in CCTV footage suggests that this was not his first robbery.
10. Kid's demeanor when confronted by officer would have raised alarm.
11. Officer was outnumbered.

What is so hard for people like you to understand? Why does it have to always be about race? Why can't you people accept responsibility for your actions and stop increasing division among people and fostering an Us vs. Them mentality?

Blacks make up about 13% of the population.

12996 murders in the US in 2010

6942 of those murders were blacks

392 of those blacks murdered at the hands of whites

6600 of those blacks muurdered at the hands of blacks

6954 whites murdered in 2010

5337 of those whites murdred were at the hands of whites

1017 of those whites murdered were at the hands of blacks.

Again blacks make up only 13% of the population. I think you can figure the rest ou

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.